6. Floor Contacts


Mobile phone

Copyright: Colourbox

Designated contact persons have been appointed for each floor. The contact persons have their work place at the laboratory and will have an overview of methods, use of equipment, etc., relevant for the laboratory in question.


Laboratory building, floor: 9 Torunn Eide    e-mail
Laboratory building, floor: 8 Kari Helland Mortensen   e-mail
Laboratory building, floor: 7 Kari Helland Mortensen    e-mail
Laboratory building, floor: 6 Marie Hagen e-post
Laboratory building, floor: 5 Kjerstin Jacobsen   e-mail
Laboratory building, floor: 3 Kristin Paulsen Rye   e-mail
Laboratory building, floor: 1M Beryl Leirvaag  e-mail
BUS Anne Hammer Knudsen    e-mail
Gynecology and Obstetrics (KK) Kadri Madissoo    e-mail

Yellow safety west

Opphavsrett Colourbox


The fire representatives will delegate any work tasks during fire and evacuation.


See here for the Fire Safety Representatives list