Laboratory Building And Glasblokkene

Copyright: Colourbox
1. If you observe fire or smoke
- Trigger manual fire alarms (will initiate main alarm)
- Inform the Security department (55 97 22 22)
- Evaluate what is required to warn, extinguish, save and evacuate.
- Commence evacuation via clearly marked exit routes.
- Those responsible for fire evacuation (wearing YELLOW VEST) will delegate tasks according to the situation at hand.
2. Announcements
Automatic alarm:
Announcement: ” Et automatisk varsel om brann blir undersøkt. Avvent nærmere beskjed”
English translation: “An automatic fire alarm has been activated and is being investigated. Please await further instructions”.
Actions: Fire representatives will investigate if there is smoke development/fire on the floor. If visual confirmation of fire is confirmed the fire alarm will be triggered. All employees await further instructions.
If the danger ceases, the following announcement is given: “Situasjonen er under kontroll. Vi beklager forstyrrelsen og alle er velkommen inn igjen. ” (English translation: “The situation is under control. We apologise for any inconvenience and everyone is allowed back in again”).
Manual alarm:
Announcement: “Det har brutt ut brann. Forlat bygningen gjennom nærmeste utgang eller nødutgang. Bruk ikke heisen”.
English translation: “Fire has broken out. Please exit the building through your nearest exit or emergency exit. Do not use the elevators”.
Actions: The fire representative on the various floors will delegate tasks according to the situation at hand, and evaluate the efforts required to warn, extinguish, save and evacuate. All employees must ensure that their patients and visitors exit the building via exit routes to the assembly point outside.
On every floor there is an evacuation plan which provides information that each person is duty-bound to read and should familiarize themselves with.
3. Assembly points
- Outside the entranse to the University Collage (Building 1)
- In the garden between building 1 and 2
- Utside the main entrance, ground floor
Laboratory building:
- Floor 8 and 9: We go out at the 8th floor and meet at the first parking lot at Ulriken
- Floor 1M to 7, east : Outside 1M
- Outside 1st floor
4. Return to work place after evacuation
You should only return to your work place after an announcement from the loud speakers or from representatives from the security department. Announcement: “Situasjonen er under kontroll. Vi beklager forstyrrelsen og alle er velkommen inn igjen.”
Talemelding: «Situasjonen er under kontroll. Vi beklager forstyrrelsen og alle er velkommen inn igjen».
English translation: “The situation is under control. We apologise for any inconvenience and everyone is allowed back in again”.