Copyright: Colourbox
The safety delegates shall safeguard the interests of all employees in matters relating to the working environment; both health, safety and the environment must be supervised.
The delegates are independent staff representatives and are the management’s most important partner in matters concerning the working environment at the department.
The representatives have a supervisory role and are obliged to report to management about matters they consider violate the Working Environment Act and internal instructions.
The safety delegates shall ensure that:
- The employees are not exposed to danger.
- Protectable equipment and personal protective equipment are available and in good condition. and that it is otherwise designed to perform the work in a manner which takes health and safety into consideration.
- The staff receive the necessary instruction, pratice and training.
- The facilities are organized in a work friendly manner.
- Notifications about occupational accidents, etc. as described in the Working Environment Act § 5-2 are sent.
The delegates have the right to stop dangerous work if there is immediate danger to the workers’ lives or health.
Useful links:
Locale safety delegates (verneombud) .
See here for more information about UIB’s regulatory framework. Chapter 3. (Norwegian only).
Legal basis: Rules concerning safety delegates are laid down in the Working Environment Act Chapter 6, Safety representatives.